*NXFree(リモートデスクトップ) [#kff009aa]


Vine6.xのVNCの調子が悪いので代わりにNXFree(3.5.0)をインストール。サーバをVine6.x(x64) クライアントをWindows7とした。NXFreeは接続にsshを使用するようだ

**サーバーインストール [#n18f5569]

以下から「NX Free Edition for Linux」をDownload


「NX Free Edition」 の  「NX Free Edition for Linux」をDLしてrpmでインストール 



 # apt-get install lsof

***NXFree インストール [#qf1fd350]
 # rpm -ivh nxserver-3.5.0-5.x86_64.rpm nxclient-3.5.0-7.x86_64.rpm nxnode-3.5.0-4.x86_64.rpm
 準備中...                ########################################### [100%]
    1:nxclient               ########################################### [ 33%]
 Showing file: /usr/NX/share/documents/client/cups-info
  CUPS Printing Backend
  The NX Client set-up procedure detected that your "IPP CUPS" printing
  backend doesn't allow printing from the NX session. In order to have
  printing support in your NX system, you need to set proper permissions
  on the IPP backend. Please execute:
    chmod 755 /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp
    2:nxnode                 ########################################### [ 67%]
 Usage: nxnode ACTION
 --install        {SYSTEM}   Run the NX node install procedure for the
                            specified system or distribuition
 --update         {SYSTEM}   Run the NX node update procedure for the
                            specified system or distribution
 --uninstall                 Run the NX node uninstall procedure for the
                            specified system or distribution
 --help                      Show this message
 The specified SYSTEM must be one of the following operating systems,
 or none. In the latter case the NX setup will try to autodetect the
 system or will choose the layout that better resembles one of the
 known systems.

        redhat       RedHat 7.3, 8.0, 9.0, AS, ES, etc.
        suse         SuSE 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, etc.
        mandrake     Mandrake 9.2 10.x, etc.
        debian       Debian Woody 3.0, Unstable, Ubuntu, etc.
        solaris      Sun Solaris 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, etc.
        fedora       Fedora Core 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
 NX> 704 ERROR: Unable to autodetect the operating system type, please specify it
    3:nxserver               ########################################### [100%]
 Usage: nxserver ACTION
 --install        {SYSTEM}   Run the NX server install procedure for the
                             specified system or distribuition 
 --update         {SYSTEM}   Run the NX server update procedure for the
                             specified system or distribution
 --uninstall                 Run the NX server uninstall procedure for the
                             specified system or distribution
 --pre-uninstall             Disable access to new NX sessions, terminate
                             sessions and reset the session DBs.
 --keygen                    Generate a new pair of SSH keys. After run-
                             ning this procedure, the NX clients will use
                             the key: /usr/NX/share/keys/default.id_dsa.key
                             to connect to this NX server.
 --help                      Show this message
 The specified SYSTEM must be one of the following operating systems,
 or none. In the latter case the NX setup will try to autodetect the
 system or will choose the layout that better resembles one of the
 known systems.
        redhat       RedHat 7.3, 8.0, 9.0, AS, ES, etc.
        suse         SuSE 7.3, 8.x, 9.x, etc.
        mandrake     Mandrake 9.2 10.x, etc.
        debian       Debian Woody 3.0, Unstable, Ubuntu, etc.
        solaris      Sun Solaris 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, etc.
        fedora       Fedora Core 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
 NX> 704 ERROR: Unable to autodetect the operating system type, please specify it

Vine Linuxであるので、nxがSYSTEMを特定できないのでこのようなエラーが出るようだ。

***セットアップ [#r7d5d576]
 # /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxnode --install redhat
 NX> 700 Starting: install node operation at: 月  8月 22 10:55:23 2011.
 NX> 700 Autodetected system 'redhat'.
 NX> 700 Install log is '/usr/NX/var/log/install'.
 NX> 700 Creating configuration in /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg.
 NX> 700 Inspecting local CUPS environment.
 NX> 700 Generating CUPS entries in: /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg.
 NX> 700 Installation of version: 3.5.0-4 completed.
 NX> 700 Bye.

 # /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxserver --install redhat
 NX> 700 Installing: server at: 月  8月 22 10:55:48 2011.
 NX> 700 Autodetected system: redhat.
 NX> 700 Install log is: /usr/NX/var/log/install.
 NX> 700 Creating configuration file: /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg.
 NX> 723 Cannot start NX statistics:
 NX> 709 NX statistics are disabled for this server.
 NX> 700 Version '3.5.0-5' installation completed.
 NX> 700 Showing file: /usr/NX/share/documents/server/install-notices
 Server keys
 The initial login between client and server happens through a DSA key
 pair, i.e. a couple of specially generated cryptographic keys, called
 need to generate a new DSA key-pair and distribute the private part
 of the key-pair to those NX clients you want authenticated to the NX
 server. More information on how to generate and distribute a new DSA
 key-pair is available at:
 Creating Users
 NX is configured to allow access from any system user, as long as
 valid credentials are given to the user for the SSH login. NX pro-
 vides an alternative authorization method, allowing system admin-
 To activate the NX user and password DBs, you will have to edit the
 NX server configuration file by hand or use the NX Server Manager
 Web tool available for download on the NoMachine Web site at: 
 Session Shadowing and Desktop Sharing 
 The session shadowing functionality allows you to share NX sessions
 example by allowing access to sessions in view-only mode, or connecting
 to either a suspended session or the local display via the Desktop
 Manager login window.
 Load Balancing 
 NX Advanced Server provides support for multi-node capabilities and
 You will also need to add the NX Server public DSA Key to the node to
 allow this server to connect to the node running on the remote host.
 For further information on how to manage the configuration of your
 NX system, please refer to the System Administrator's Guide available
 on the NoMachine Web site at:
 The NoMachine Team.
 NX> 700 Bye. 
***日本語の入力 [#ie2edd6d]



 export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.utf8
 export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
 export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
 export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
 export USE_XOPENIM=t
 /usr/bin/ibus-daemon -d -x &
 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session

 # chmod 755 GNOME.sh


 # Specify path and name of the command to start the GNOME session.
 ##CommandStartGnome = "/usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session"
 CommandStartGnome = "/usr/local/bin/GNOME.sh"


 # /etc/rc.d/init.d/nxserver restart
 Trying to restart NX server:
 NX> 123 Service stopped.
 NX> 153 Stopping NX server monitor.
 NX> 153 NX server monitor already stopped.
 NX> 900 Terminating session id: 87F120EC9C9E84DA58073D9A275A9058 for user: student
 NX> 900 Still waiting for session id: 87F120EC9C9E84DA58073D9A275A9058 for user: student to terminate.
 NX> 900 Session id: 87F120EC9C9E84DA58073D9A275A9058 terminated.
 NX> 122 Service started.
 NX> 999 Bye.
 Trying to restart NX statistics:
 NX> 723 Cannot start NX statistics:
 NX> 709 NX statistics are disabled for this server.
 NX> 999 Bye.

**Windows側(クライアント) [#u5628812]

「NX Client for Windows」(nxclient-3.5.0-7.exe) をDLしてインストールするだけ

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