*IronPort C100のOSのUpdateについて [#x48ab9dc]






**手順 [#x2ed6fb9]


***SNMP確認 [#jadd6352]

 > snmpconfig
 Current SNMP settings:
 SNMP Disabled.
 Choose the operation you want to perform:
 - SETUP - Configure SNMP.
 []>  <=CTRL+C



**作業内容 [#z33ad289]

 AsyncOS iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp (cuaa0)
 login: XXXX   <==ユーザ名
 Password: ****** <=パスワード
 Last login: Tue May 22 09:52:15 from
 Copyright (c) 2001-2006, IronPort Systems, Inc.
 AsyncOS 4.7 for IronPort C100
 Welcome to the IronPort C100 Messaging Gateway(tm) Appliance
 iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp> version <==現行バージョンの確認
 Current Version
 Model: C100
 Version: 4.7.0-148     <==4.7.0を確認
 Build Date: 2006-10-05
 Install Date: 2007-03-16 06:54:54
 Serial #: 0015C5FA82CA-9SSDGC1
 RAID: 02
 RAID Type: 1
 iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp> upgrade   <==upgradeコマンドを入力
 Upgrades available:
 1. AsyncOS 4.7.1 build 011 upgrade For Email, 2007-03-23
 2. AsyncOS 5.0.0 build 252 upgrade For Email, 2007-03-27
 [2]> 1 <==4.7.1へUpなので1を選択(メニューにはUpできるバージョンしか表示しない)
 Performing an upgrade will require a reboot of the system after the upgrade
 is applied. Do you wish to proceed with the upgrade? [Y]> <==enterを入力
 IronPort Messaging Gateway Appliance(tm) Upgrade
 This upgrade will require a reboot of the system after it finishes installing.
 You may log in again after this is done.
 Type Return to continue...   <==enterを入力
 Finding partitions... done.
 Setting next boot partition to current partition as a precaution... done.
 Erasing new boot partition... done.
 Reinstalling AsyncOS... done.
 Installing application... done.
 Installing Brightmail Anti-Spam... done.
 Installing Sophos Anti-Virus... done.
 Installing CASE... done.
 Installing upgrade tools... done.
 Configuring AsyncOS disk partitions... done.
 Configuring AsyncOS user passwords... done.
 Configuring AsyncOS network interfaces... done.
 Configuring AsyncOS timezone... done.
 Removing factory diagnostic tools... done.
 Configuring application environment variables... done.
 Configuring application factory defaults... done.
 Configuring application... new: thirdparty.brightmail.use_dfa set to default.
 Configuring application... done.
 Saving changes... done.
 Exporting configuration settings... done.
 Processing configuration... done.
 Saving changes... done.
 Configuring application with upgrade tools... done.
 Copying SSH credentials... done.
 Deleting caches... done.
 Moving new directories across partitions... done.
 Removing old Mail Flow Monitoring Database files... done.
 Keeping hardware key... done.
 Syncing... done.
 Reinstalling boot blocks... done.
 Will now boot off new boot partition... done.
 Upgrade complete.  It will be in effect after this mandatory reboot.
 Upgrade installation finished.
 Enter the number of seconds to wait before forcibly closing connections.
 [30]> <==enterを入力するとRebootが始まる
 System shutting down.  Please wait while the queue is being 
 Closing CLI connection.
 Rebooting the system...
 AsyncOS iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp (cuaa0)
 login: adAsyncOS is booting ...
 AsyncOS disks are ready ...
 AsyncOS starting services ...
 AsyncOS iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp (cuaa0)
 login: XXXX   <==ユーザ名 
 Password: ****** <=パスワード
 Last login: Mon Jun  4 15:02:08 on cuaa0
 Copyright (c) 2001-2007, IronPort Systems, Inc.
 AsyncOS 4.7 for IronPort C100
 Welcome to the IronPort C100 Messaging Gateway(tm) Appliance
 iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp> version  <==バージョン確認
 Current Version
 Model: C100
 Version: 4.7.1-011   <==4.7.1を確認
 Build Date: 2007-03-23
 Install Date: 2007-06-04 15:27:05
 Serial #: 0015C5FA82CA-9SSDGC1
 RAID: 02
 RAID Type: 1



 Performing an upgrade will require a reboot of the system after the upgrade
 is applied. Do you wish to proceed with the upgrade? [Y]>
 IronPort Messaging Gateway Appliance(tm) Upgrade

 This upgrade will require a reboot of the system after it finishes installing.
 You may log in again after this is done.
 WARNING: Upgrading to AsyncOS 5.0 or greater will cause existing
 Mail Flow Monitor data to be overwritten. To save existing data, you can
 cancel the upgrade now and export the data to a CSV file. Refer to the
 AsyncOS Release Notes for explicit instructions. Note that the data that
 you export, however, cannot be re-imported into AsyncOS. Upgrading to
 AsyncOS 5.0 or greater causes all incoming and outgoing mail data to be
 reset from the time the upgrade completes.


 iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp> version
 Current Version
 Model: C100
 Version: 5.1.0-320
 Build Date: 2007-05-14
 Install Date: 2007-06-04 16:09:23
 Serial #: 0015C5FA82CA-9SSDGC1
 RAID: 02
 RAID Type: 1
 BMC: 1.44


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