*techsupport tunnelについて [#j6a5ac61]


***トンネルの開始 [#z68b88d0]

techsupport tunnnelを有効にすると、IronPort自体から


他、 22, 53, 80, 443, 4766ポートを指定して接続することも可能。


techsupport tunnelを利用する場合、以下の2点の情報が必要。


 iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp> techsupport
 Service Access currently disabled.
 Serial Number: 001******CA-******C1   0015C5FA82CA-9SSDGC1
 Choose the operation you want to perform:
 - SSHACCESS - Allow an IronPort customer service representative to remotely access your system, without establishing a tunnel.
 - TUNNEL - Allow an IronPort customer service representative to remotely access your
 system, and establish a secure tunnel for communication.
 - STATUS - Display the current techsupport status.
 []> tunnel
 Enter a temporary password for customer support to use. This password will not
 be able tobe used to directly access your system.
 - the password must be between 6 and 128 characters long;
 - it cannot be blank or consist only of spaces;
 - it must be different from the administrator's password.
 []> *****   <=ここは***の伏字ではなく普通に表示した
 Enter the port number for tunnel connection:
 [25]> <==Port25を使用するのでEnter
 Are you sure you want to enable service access? [N]> y
 Service access has been ENABLED.  Please provide your temporary password to
 your IronPortCustomer Support representative.
 Waiting for ssh tunnel to connect, Ctrl-C to cancel...  <==ここで少し時間がかかる
 You have enabled the SSH tunnel and it is now connected.


 Date: 18 Mar 2008 13:49:12 +0900
 From: "IronPort C100 Alert" <alert@iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp>
 To: okada@mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp
 Subject: Info <System> iron.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp: Tech support: Service tunnel has been enabled, port 25
 Message-Id: <20080318044900.5BE351CAC697@mail.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp>
 The Info message is:
 Tech support: Service tunnel has been enabled, port 25
 Version: 5.1.0-320
 Serial Number: 001**********-9S*****
 Timestamp: 18 Mar 2008 13:49:12 +0900
 To learn more about alerts, please visit our Knowledge Base.  In many
 cases, you can find further information about this specific alert.  Please
 click the Knowledge Base link after logging into our Support Portal at:
 If you desire further information, please contact your support provider.
 To open a support request for this issue, access the IronPort C100
 and issue the "supportrequest" command. The command sends an email with
 diagnostic information directly to your IronPort support provider to
 facilitate a rapid diagnosis of the problem.
 Thank you.

***トンネルの停止 [#qae8d90d]

 ironport.soliton.co.jp> techsupport
 Service Access currently ENABLED (0 current service logins).
 There is currently a secure tunnel between your machine and IronPort 
 Serial Number: ***********-*******
 Choose the operation you want to perform:
 - DISABLE - Prevent IronPort customer service representatives from remotely
 accessing your system.
 - STATUS - Display the current techsupport status.
 []> disable


 Are you sure you want to disable service access? [N]> y


 Service access has been disabled.

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